Afternoon Session A (Clone)
Date & Time
Monday, December 13, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:55 PM
Raymond Yeung Raymond Yeung Florian Schleich Christopher Lennon Paul Gardiner Fred Walls Dean Bullock Brian Long Leigh Whitcomb Austin Pahl Thomas Alder Kenneth Williams Andy Maltz


An Update from the Entertainment Technology Center

Kenneth Williams

  • The Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at the University of Southern California’s (USC) School of Cinematic Arts (SCA) is a think tank and research center, funded by major studios and leading technology companies, which brings together senior executives, innovators, thought leaders, and catalysts from the media, entertainment, consumer electronics, technology, and supporting services industries along with the academic resources of USC to explore and act upon topics and issues related to the creation, archiving, distribution, and consumption of entertainment content.


The New Paradigm of Software Architected Broadcast Facilities: