CS-Session 2: The Technology of Electronic Color
Date & Time
Thursday, June 3, 2021, 11:10 AM - 12:35 PM
Gary Feather David Stump Richard Salmon David Long Mitch Bogdanowicz

What are the colorimetric challenges in displays, cameras, special effects?  Is there a fundamental limit to RGB based color spaces?  How can multiprimary approaches be developed to answer these challenges?

Use Case 1:  Displays.  — Gary Feather  

Use Case 2:  Cameras & Special Effects.  — Dave Stump, ASC. 

Use Case 3:  The Challenges of RGB Color Systems  — Richard Salmon, BBC ret’d 

Use Case 4:  Why Multi-primary color  — Dr. David Long 

Use Case 5:  Research efforts on MP systems   — Dr. Mitch Bogdanowicz  

  • Potential multi-primary systems 
  • Workflow in post 
  • Transmission 
  • Potential displays 
  • Colorimetric approach  
  • Problem of converting from 3 primary to multi-primary color spaces 
  • Evaluation for expanded color spaces {ACES AP1/AP0, XYZ, xyY} 
Virtual Session Link